Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blog Gone Bad

Today marks the end of Sed Digressio's first year. It was on October 15, 2007 that I moved some randomly assembled photos, paintings and poems first posted on truslow.org to this platform, and it's been an interesting experiment: to create a virtual home for myself, a place I could visit when I was traveling that would help me feel grounded.

I've decided to take a break, and resume blogging in November with a new direction. I'm not entirely sure what that is, yet, but I'm working on it.

You might be interested to know that over the last year, 2,300 visitors came to this blog 4,200 times, viewing 10,300 pages. The most popular content (in order) has been: Michael Sowa, Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Wassily Kandinski, the photos, Hope, Edward Hopper and Edvard Munch. The interest in Michael Sowa has been especially keen: Almost 10% of all Sed Digressio traffic originates in Germany.

It's time to do something different. I hope you'll come back and see what transpires in November.

The Chief Digressor

P.S. During the hiatus, I'll still be updating Merrie Frances pictures on http://www.truslow.org/.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No kidding.

Almost a year ago, I posted what I still consider to be one of the oddest duets in musical history.  Take a moment to welcome a new addition to that list:  Norah Jones and Keith Richards, the rock and roll icon now known primarily for snorting the ashes of his father.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Over the line, Smokey!

Good comedy depends on an awareness of the audience's limits, the discipline to stay within them, and the wisdom to know when they can be trampled. It strikes me as a delicate social undertaking: the performer risks his relationship with the audience as he navigates between what little will succeed and the mass of what will fail.

On any given day, this blog endeavors to rise slightly above the gutter, usually to reproduce art, philosophy and music that transcends normal life. But today - perhaps inspired by my ignorance of the audience and my fundamental suspicion of lines - I push the boundaries by offering three of my favorite, all-time limit-testers.

These are not for children, and while there is nothing offensive about the video content, you wouldn't want your co-workers to hear the sound. Consider yourself warned.

The opening scene of the film "Chasing Amy".

From the television show, "Kids in the Hall".

Finally, I direct you to this link of Steve Martin performing a classic portion of his stand-up routine.